1099 Forms Discussion!

1099 form

It’s 1099 Time! Let’s talk about 1099 forms and how to prepare for this annual filing. Here is a brief overview of the requirements to help this process go more smoothly. What are 1099 forms? 1099 forms are information returns. The IRS has filing requirements for just about every kind of financial transaction you can imagine. Two of the most common 1099 forms for business owners are: Who files 1099 Forms? The forms report amounts…

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Are you hiring an employee or a contractor?

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It’s no secret that every growing business needs help. When you hire a worker, you may not know if they are a contractor or an employee. You might think that it’s easier and more affordable to hire workers as contractors. This is one of the most common misconceptions out there. You’ll save a lot of money by knowing the difference and what to do in both cases. Let’s start with a few questions about the…

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When Should I Hire a Bookkeeper?

how will i know when to hire a bookkeeper graphic

As accountants, new business owners often ask us, “When should I hire a bookkeeper?” It depends, of course. But, to know what signs to watch for, here’s a list. It will help you identify when you might be ready to hire a bookkeeper. The best time to hire a bookkeeper is before you even start the business. A bookkeeper can help with important initial tasks. As your business grows, your bookkeeper is invaluable. And with…

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Stop Doing Your Own Bookkeeping

10 reasons to hire a bookkeeper

There are so many reasons to hire a bookkeeper! Here are my top ten favorites. 1. Be in Compliance Many business owners see accurate, timely filings as a must. They are a basic, non-optional cost of doing business. Not having an expert handle your filings is risky. You also need to understand what to file. Bookkeeping is a full-time job! Most business owners lack the time to track the ever-changing rules and tax laws. 2. Increase…

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